Monday Aug 22, 2016
KIds Ministry Collective #7 - Matt McKee- Parent Chat & Technology
Monday Aug 22, 2016
Monday Aug 22, 2016
Join Tom and special Guest Matt Mckee as we chat about Matt's new book Parent Chat. This book is an amazing resource for parents to understand best how to use technology in their home and with their families.
He will also discuss a great tool called Circle with Disney which is a great tool to help parents monitor and control their electronic usage in their homes.
Thursday Jun 23, 2016
Kids Ministry Collective #6 Caleb Kaltenbach - Messy Grace
Thursday Jun 23, 2016
Thursday Jun 23, 2016
Caleb is the author of Messy Grace, He was raised by two gay parents and by God's messy grace came to salvation and is now a pastor. He wrote his story to help others think through how we as believers in Jesus, can respond, minister and love those in the LGBT community without compromising Biblical standards and convictions.
His heartfelt approach is based solidly on God's word. You will be blessed!
Monday Apr 18, 2016
Kids Ministry Collective #5 Lead Up & Down
Monday Apr 18, 2016
Monday Apr 18, 2016
Panel- Dave Truitt, Sarah Bundy, Tom Bump
What are you working on now?
Just did another school assembly. Now trying to work ahead so my trip to Atlanta (Orange) is smooth. Always tough when any conference is the week before the start of a new month.
Sarah - Pating, getting new facelift on ministry areas.
Tom - Family VBS
Today we are talking about the ways we can lead and how to keep growing as a leader:
One of the things many in Kidmin struggle with is leading when you’re not THE leader, So what have you found to help you lead, share vision, etc with the larger church body?
Stories, Stories, Stories. Stories of what the goal is, stories of how you are getting there. Stories help paint a picture. Make it your own. Not something that another church does.
Relationships- Going to various church events, Make yourself available to others.
Take opportunity with everyone to share your vision.
Be visible
Be available
Be willing to serve outside Kidmin
Serve you senior leaders
Tom - serve in other ministries. Help others..
What can a leader do to encourage their senior Leader?
Be their biggest supporter. Whatever is their dream, you need to be on board with and make it your dream too. How can you help them with their wins. Staff meetings - join in and don’t drift off when Sr. Leader is spending time talking about the “adult” service.
Sarah - Share what’s going on in your area. Share the wins, etc. Share funny stories too.
Tom- Never leave them guessing, Keep them informed, Have their back, Pray for them regularly. Keep the negative talk to yourself.
What can one do when the senior leader isn’t on the same page?
Protect Unity! No silos! Don’t build walls up.
Pray. Have honest conversations. Share your vision. Is it a Tension to be wrestled with or is it a problem that needs to be solved?
Does the vision God has given you fit what God has given your leader? Are they close, or on different paths. The two of you might be great people, but might be MAC and PC. Close, but not always compatible.
Have the conversation- be adults! Don’t let them slip past- keep a short list. Approach them in a positive way.
Knowing what you value as a church..
RESOURCE: Jim Wideman Stay or Go?
What can Guys do to improve the working relationship with female Staff?
Communication- Take time to listen, don’t just jump in with an answer. Don’t jump into Fix-it mode! Listen first.
How do we develop volunteers to be Leaders?
Get over the Lone Ranger mentality. Empower them and let go of something. They can do things better than you in some settings.
Train them, take them to conferences, spend time with them teaching them to lead. If they can do something 80% as you can, let them go with it.
ASK!!! Set High Expectations. Give them some wins. Give them opportunities to actually LEAD, not just accomplishing tasks. Being willing to LET GO! Tough to do for some of us.
Have a plan- set up a way for them to develop their skills- Give them stepping stones to walk on.
Give ministry away.
How do we develop Kids as Leaders?
Give them leadership opportunities! Pull them up front. Give them responsibilities. Sound.
Same as adults- develop a step by step plan to develop them, create some milestones for them to achieve and earn greater responsibility.
John Maxwell said, Leadership is “being” before “doing”
Develop the kids to lead an area of service,
Help them be role models
Book Recommendation- God’s Armor Bearer- Terry Nance
Serving God’s leader
God’s Armor Bearer, Running with your Pastors vision
Not Normal- Sue Miller & Adam Duckworth
Leading the Way God Made You- Larry SchallenbergerWednesday Apr 06, 2016
Kids Ministry Collective #4 - Nick Blevins
Wednesday Apr 06, 2016
Wednesday Apr 06, 2016
This episode we have a great interview with Nick Blevins.
We talk about Volunteers, Family Ministry and and interesting blog post concerning a quote from Andy Stanley about smaller churches.
Wednesday Mar 30, 2016
KMC Episode 3 Volunteers, Apps for Organization and Leading Well
Wednesday Mar 30, 2016
Wednesday Mar 30, 2016
Saturday Mar 12, 2016
KMC Episode #1 Ministry, Growth & Favorite Books
Saturday Mar 12, 2016
Saturday Mar 12, 2016
Our First Episode of the new and improved KMC show!
Show Notes will be up soon.
Saturday Mar 12, 2016
KMC Episode #2
Saturday Mar 12, 2016
Saturday Mar 12, 2016
Join, Tom, Phillip, Wayne, and Bill as they talk: Leadership, Growing as leader, Favorite Books and other fun Kidmin related topics in our Get to know the team episode.
Saturday Mar 12, 2016
Classic KMC Episode on Helping Kids Love the Bible
Saturday Mar 12, 2016
Saturday Mar 12, 2016
Enjoy this classic KMC Radio Show Episode: Helping Kids love the Bible
Saturday Mar 12, 2016
Classic KMC Episode on Volunteers
Saturday Mar 12, 2016
Saturday Mar 12, 2016
Enjoy this Classic KMC Radio show where our topic was all about Volunteers!
Saturday Mar 12, 2016
Classic KMC Episode with Scott Turansky
Saturday Mar 12, 2016
Saturday Mar 12, 2016
Enjoy this Classic KMC Radio show with Scott Turansky as our guest
Saturday Mar 12, 2016
Classic KMC Episode with Brian Dollar
Saturday Mar 12, 2016
Saturday Mar 12, 2016
Enjoy this Classic from the Original KMC Radio show- Our Guest was Brian Dollar